From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 17/01/2022 14:35:39
Subject: ODG: Jobs at Bristol Digital Futures Institute

Dear colleagues

The newly established Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI) is advertising a total of five research-focused jobs (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor and Professor) to drive interdisciplinary research and partnership collaboration. Please see below. Applications are encouraged from (inter alia) researchers with a background in Law. I'd be grateful if you could share with your networks.

Best wishes

             Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Digital Futures at University of Bristol

             Professor of Digital Futures at University of Bristol

             Lecturer in Digital Futures at University of Bristol

Ken Oliphant (he/him)
Professor of Tort Law and Head of School
University of Bristol Law School
Wills Memorial Building
Queens Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ 

Tel: +44 (0)117 954 5347
Twitter: @KenOliphant 

A world leading law school: #43 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for Law 2022

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